This is super awesome.
First class services...
I'm wondering whether this is airport terminal or bus terminal.
When i'm entering the terminal, one of the TBS staff greet me with smile and ask me where i want to go.
I was
Then he show me to the counter.
I went to the counter and wondering where is Mayang Sari counter?
There are no counter according to the bus company such as mayang sari,maju express and others. All of the counter labeled with TBS.
I went to one counter that are available and i was greeting by the staff. Then she asked me,which destination you want to go and i replied, " Saya nak ke Muar. Pukul bape yang ada?". At the counter, there is a touch screen that showed your time available for departure and also sit position. Just touch and choose which one that you want.
The staff will asked for ur IC and phone no. Then you pay it and you get a ticket. A ticket with ur name. Cool is it?
But you cannot transfer the ticket to other as it is already stated there ur name. I don't know whether it is posibble or not. You can try and asked them.
After i got the ticket, i need to go to departure area which is at level 2. You need to take an escalator. At the entrance to the escalator,there are two guards that will check ur ticket before going to the departure area.
As I've already in departure area,there are lots of chairs that you can sit and also monitors that show time arrival and departure of the buses,destination and plat number for the buses. Mine is at K01 i guess. After I've sit for about 1 minute, a lady stuff approached me and ask which destination i will go and what time. After both of us looking and the monitor, she asked ke politely to sit at K01 area as at that time, I'm sitting at K02 area. Actually,it is just next to each other, but maybe they don't want to miss calling everybody when the bus is ready at the place before departure.
Again,wow.... and superb. As the bus arrived at 3.30, they called us and we queued in a line as we need to scan our ticket before boarding to the bus. Again boarding to the bus, not an aeroplane.hehe. I think they want to know that all the people is already on the bus without left one single person. Very nice one.
Then we were going to Muar.
klo sume stesen bas wt cam nie kan bagus.. siyes nice..
tau takpe...giler heaven..mcm nk nek flight je....staff2 dier pun cun gak..ramai gadis2..haha
hahah..gadis2 jugak yg ko berminat ek??dh tu ko naik bas ape???kire xblh pilih bas ke??
Haha..takkan la aku minat lelaki..ko ni..isk..isk..
boleh je pilih bas mana2 yg nak..mayang sari ke,maju express ke n etc2
Aku nek mayang sari
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